Are you someone that wants to make every card you send out unique for the individuals you’re sending too or do you mass produce your cards when you have so many to make? If you’re like most people, you mass produce a bunch of cards while still making them look extra special. That’s what I did here with this simple yet very pretty Christmas Blessings card which features product from the All is Bright Suite.
You’ll find the All is Bright Suite of products on pages 4-7 of the Holiday catalog. I am so in love with the All is Bright Designer Series Paper, especially those prints that have the photographic images as shown on this card. I can almost smell the pine needles! How simple is this card to make? Very!!
Start out with a 5-1/4″ x 4″ piece of Mossy Meadow cardstock and layer on a 5-1/4″ x 2″ piece of All is Bright DSP. Use the Merry Christmas Thinlits to Die cut “Christmas” from Real Red cardstock and attach to the Mossy Meadow piece using Glue Dots. Stamp the sentiment from the Merry Christmas to all stamp set in Mossy Meadow and cut it out with the label die from the Merry Christmas Thinlits and attach to the DSP with Snail. Next, wrap a piece of Real Red Mixed satin Ribbon around the layer and tie in a knot before attaching it to the Real Red card base which measures 5-1/2″ x 8-1/2″ and is scored at 4-1/4″. Ta-Da! That’s it, you’re done!
My birthday was November 5th, so in celebration of it I have a special offer for you:
Every online order that is placed through my Online store from November 5th through November 11th will receive 9 Tutorials for 9 Christmas cards featuring product from the holiday catalog. The PDF tutorials will feature a photo of the card, supply list, measurements and full instructions.
Please use Hostess Code 393RTKXE
I will email your tutorials when I return from Orlando on the 11th. I’ll be at the Stampin’ Up! 30th year Anniversary Event called On Stage.
Supplies used on today’s card